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NBA 2K23 Badge Guide

Badges are an essential part of gameplay in NBA 2K23. The buffs they provide can turn the tables for any match. Here's a guide on the fastest method to unlock and upgrade all of your MyPlayer Badges in NBA 2K23 MyCareer. Plus, we've included a list of some of the best badges.

How to Unlock Badges?

You'll need to unlock these Badge Points by performing on the court in single-player NBA games or online matches around the City. Performing actions associated with a Badge Point will help you to make progress. These are the best things you can do to unlock badges fast in NBA 2K23:

1). Complete a Side-quest Called MyPoints Accelerator

You can accelerate how quickly you earn MyPoints by completing a side-quest called MyPoints Accelerator. In this quest, you'll need to attend three different team practices. When you show up at the practice building, you speak to the coach with the quest icon above his head. Otherwise, you won't progress the side-quest. Once you've completed these three team practices, you'll earn all progress toward your Badge Points at a five percent faster rate.

2). Play in MyCareer Games

Every positive possession in a MyCareer game will reward you with points at the end, which will then be categorized for each specific type of badge. You'll earn points toward your shooting badge if you hit open shots and maintain a strong shooting percentage. If you play sound defense and rack up a lot of steals or blocks, you'll receive points toward defense/rebounding badges.

3). Complete Team Practices

Unless your team has back-to-back games, you will have practices after each game in MyCareer. Each practice gives you four drill actions, and you will be rated from one to three stars depending on how you perform in the drill. Each star rating is associated with points you can use to level up your badge.

The trainer can also randomly call up the whole team to set up their drills for free. Which will earn you even more badge points depending on which category the drill falls under. Trainers can also call a scrimmage where the whole team will compete in full-length five-on-five practice for a single quarter. Each random drill will also have a badge leveling bonus, which gives you a double multiplier on leveling your badges for every drill.

How to Upgrade Badges Quickly in MyCareer?

Let's get to the methods upgrade badges:

1). Don't skip practice

Even though you might be tempted to, you shouldn't skip the Team Practice sessions that show up before every game—the reason why is that practices provide a great amount of badge progression. The better one does in practice, the more progression one will get.

2). Play your NBA games

Make sure to go through your MyPlayer games. Progress gained in-game is directly tied to your performance. As long as you play well, you should be able to complete your progress in no time.

3). Play in The City and The Neighborhood

We should note that playing games in The City or The Neighborhood, whether pick-up 1v1 or traditional 3v3 games, will grant badge progress.

How to Equip a Core Badge?

Equipping a Core Badge in NBA 2K23 will require you to complete the Core Challenge. The way to do this is to put points into the Badge.

NBA 2K23 Badges cost various points, and it's important to remember that you'll need the proper attributes to unlock the next level.

Here's the Badge breakdown:

    Tier 1 Badges cost:
        • 1 Points for Bronze
        • 2 Points for Silver
        • 3 Points for Gold
        • 4 Points for the Hall of Fame

    Tier 2 Badges cost:
        • 3 Points for Bronze
        • 4 Points for Silver
        • 5 Points for Gold
        • 6 Points for Hall of Fame

    Tier 3 Badges cost:
        • 5 Points for Bronze
        • 6 Points for Silver
        • 7 Points for Gold
        • 8 Points for Hall of Fame

Best Badges in NBA 2K23

1). Finishing (12 Badges Total)

    Tier 1
        • Aerial Wizard
        • Backdown Punisher
        • Dream Shake
        • Dropstepper
        • Giant Slayer
        • Masher
        • Post Spin Technician

    Tier 2
        • Acrobat
        • Fast Twitch
        • Fearless Finisher
        • Pro Touch

    Tier 3 (Players must equip at least 10 points between Tiers 1 & 2 to unlock Tier 3)
        • Slithery

2). Shooting (16 Badges Total)

    Tier 1
        • Claymore
        • Clutch Shooter
        • Comeback Kid
        • Corner Specialist
        • Guard Up
        • Middy Magician
        • Slippery Off-Ball
        • Volume Shooter

    Tier 2
        • Amped
        • Catch & Shoot
        • Green Machine
        • Space Creator

    Tier 3 (Players must equip at least 10 points between Tiers 1 & 2 to unlock Tier 3)
        • Agent 3
        • Blinders
        • Deadeye
        • Limitless Range

3). Playmaking (16 Badges Total)

    Tier 1
        • Ankle Breaker
        • Break Starter
        • Dimer
        • Floor General
        • Needle Threader
        • Post Playmaker
        • Special Delivery
        • Vice Grip

    Tier 2
        • Bail Out
        • Hyperdrive
        • Quick First Step
        • Unpluckable

    Tier 3 (Players must equip at least 10 points between Tiers 1 & 2 to unlock Tier 3)
        • Clamp Breaker
        • Handles For Days
        • Killer Combos
        • Mismatch Expert

4). Defense/Rebounding (12 Badges Total)

    Tier 1
        • Boxout Beast
        • Chase Down Artist
        • Off-Ball Pest
        • Pogo Stick
        • Post Lockdown
        • Rebound Chaser

    Tier 2
        • Ankle Braces
        • Menace
        • Pick Dodger
        • Work Horse

    Tier 3 (Players must equip at least 10 points between Tiers 1 & 2 to unlock Tier 3)
        • Challenger
        • Clamps

That's all we've got about the badges guide, basketball fans. In the meantime, if you're looking for more NBA 2K23-related content, U4gm.com has got you covered. Besides, you can buy MT 2K23 from here and enjoy safe and fast service at the same time! If you sign up for a VIP membership, you will enjoy even more discounts!